2021 vs Now!

2021 vs Now!

2021 vs Now!

For better or worse, I started my “internet artist” adventure near the time I graduated from University.

I had other artist friends that posted their drawings from as early to our middle-school days, and I was hesitant because of fear, shyness, lack of confidence, the usual stuff.

Revisiting my early work, more specifically, the first versions of my comic, made me feel how I think those friends would have felt when viewing their first Devianart or Tumblr posts when I hadn’t start with my own journey on this. The feeling of cringe to be precise.

Perhaps we should all experience this as early as possible, or maybe that would demotivate us, but I think is something we should all accept to feel instead of running away from it.

I am surprised at how edgy some of the stuff I made was (I thought it wasn’t edgy when I was drawing this), but at the same time I’m happier I see a lot of errors on these old comics now, and still do in the new ones without feeling overwhelmed. In some way, it makes me feel I’m improving.

Here is the post with the index to all 8 parts, each with some comments on the things that changed and more:


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