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    • Profile picture of HappyMonkeyRookie

      HappyMonkeyRookie posted in the group OCS AND YAP!

      3 months ago

      What are some things you like to add for you OC character sheets for general and in-depth levels?

      There are many different styles of Character sheets, from just showing the character and their name, to almost Jojo-levels of details.
      But I think they depend a lot from what we are making with our OCs: A series of drawings, a written story, a visual novel, a comic, an animation? maybe we don’t have a full story or none at all, but we can imagine their personalities and characteristics that feel right for them.

      I’ve been having some questions on what to include or exclude from mine, and I wanted to ask: what do you like to show in your character sheets and why?
      Is there stuff you exclude in purpose? or that you want to add but have no idea how to?

      Blow I leave five of mine in the most recent format, and two I did a few years ago under my former username.

      In a way, I think the ones I did before have more character, but the new ones feel better for a presentation?

      I want to re-do the new ones later on, but first I want to get a better idea of what and how to present info of the characters

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      • when ive made character sheets in the past, i nearly always do general stuff (name, age, gender), likes/dislikes, and any relevant story info – if its an oc im super passionate about or have had for years, i kinda get a bit lost in the infodumping n include all sorts of silly fun facts 😛

        i think ur right about it depending on what the character sheet is for – making a personal reference sheet means a lot more freedom n creativity than a character sheet to introduce others to ur story, or for keeping on top of characters and their relevant story beats.

        to be completely honest i havent made a character sheet in….. a while? when i did them before it was more about me trying to bring together all my vague ideas about an oc and collate them into an actual solid character.

        but uhhh yeah to sum up i think it depends what the sheet is for :] i agree ur older ones have a lot more personality to them, but ur more recent ones get across a clear sense of who the characters are, and generally look cleaner.

        • I haven’t done a very detailed one in years (I think I tried one like six years ago, but didn’t save it, or maybe it was just the info and not the drawing?). Thanks for the feedback too!
