


happy new year everyone (very late)

on the last day of 2024 I finished this drawing, it’s sort of vent art I guess???

↓↓↓ I’m practicing writing eng essay so i wrote the whole thing below, u dont have to read it (and hope u dont mind if it reads weird)

for the past few months, I’ve been in a very low mental state. the exam is around the corner and I have portfolio stuff to do later on, but all I did is procrastinating , which made me kinda frustrated. one of my cats died a natual death on christmas and it made me heartbroken. I feel like I’ve been fed up with these setbacks and all the other petty things, I’m exhausted.

I drew the sketch before summer break, but just as you can imagine, i dragged it out until last week. the drawing was just an experimetal art that i attempted to combine abstract elements and was also a reinterpretation of this piece. but when resuming finishing the piece under such stress, I think my emotion was blend into the drawing, which became what you see right now.

I think it is quite helpful for my mental health, picking drawing up makes me indulge in a calm frame of mind and get away from those difficult situation temporary, I guess that’s why I’m able to persist with the hobby, drawing always soothe me. I feel much better right now, I think I have to pull myself together and keep on studying from now on.

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Damn I love the colors!


That’s SOOO COOL! <3πŸ₯ΊπŸ’– I rlly love the textures! u did an amazing job!!
