Album Gallery #2 – Self Care

I didn’t thought I’d make another one of this this soon, but I’m sick at the moment and still wanted to draw something, and I wanted to draw while I listened to “Self Care” from the band “Yours Truly”. It…
I didn’t thought I’d make another one of this this soon, but I’m sick at the moment and still wanted to draw something, and I wanted to draw while I listened to “Self Care” from the band “Yours Truly”. It…
Been doing a lot of non-cat stuff, so I thought you guys would appreciate getting this as well 😀
TitusJaxFigJibThe finished piece of the work in progress from the other day!! This is the first work I’m posting on here that took me longer than an hour or so, so I hope you enjoy it! 🙂
thought this site would appreaciate this :3 “““““““““““““/\/\““,^\“““““““““““““““““““““““““““““/\/\“““`\“/“`/“`\““““““““““““`_______“““““““““,^\““\“/““““\/“`/““`\“““““““““““_/“““`\_““““““““|“\,“`\/““`________/“““`\“““`NYA~““““`/““____“`\“““““““`|““\,“`____/““““““““`\“““““““““/“`_/““\“`\“““““““|“““\_/“““““““““““`\““““““““|“`|“““`\“`\“““`/\/\“|““““““““““““““““|““““““““|“`|“““`/“`|“““`\“/“|““““““““““`O“““““`\~~~““““““|“`|“““`\__/““““`\/“`|“““““““““““““““““|“““““““\“`|““““““““““““`|“““`O“““““““““““““|`~~~“““““`\“`\““““““““““““|“““““““===““|““““““|““““““““\“`\““““““““““~~~|“““““|““`\___/““““““`|““““““““`\“`\“““““““““““|“““““`\___/“““““““““|“““““““““\“`\“““““““““`~~~\““““““““““““““““/““““““““““|“`|“““““““““““\_“““““““““““““““`\“““““““““`|“`|““““““““““““\_“““““““““““““““\“““““““““|“`|“““““““““________\_““““/““““““________\_““““““““|“`|““““““““`/`|“`|““\““““/“““““/`|“`|““\“““““““/““/““““““““/“|“`|““`\““““““““`/“|“`|““`\““““““/““/““““““`~~~~~v~~~v~~~v~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~v~~~v~~~~v~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Most recent commission I drew :3 I really love how it turned out, honestly. The task was to have back light and have the character’s silhouette be visible thanks to that light. It’s my first attempt to drawing such a…
My children 🙂 This is a work in progress, the finished version will be posted soon! For those wondering about the characters, Titus (Front left), Jax (Front right), Jib (Back right) and Fig (Back left)
a drawing i did for my favourite vtuber!
⋆🪐⭒˚A little snippet from my new Lookbook video on my small YouTube channel, “zuerstKuesstManSichImKopf” (I know, long name …)! Link to the video here: 🧸ྀི The video is 8 minutes long (😱🫡) and features me rambling about clothes —…
Hello everyone 🙂 This is a new oc im developing to add some more life into my universe… his name is Blake Carter and he’s a bounty hunter! You may be wondering… is this guy inspired by RDR2… and my…