Visual Art

Style upgrade?

Style upgrade?

Hopefully, this extent of censoring is enough to upload the pic on the site xD So, I was going through some works of one of my fav artists Madness Malina and I got really inspired by her style, so I…

Yeah I’m a Ghost

Yeah I’m a Ghost

Also related to my last post, I did this one with the song “Ghost” from Yours Truly in mind. It ended up becoming my favorite song from the album, and I wanted to draw… well, a ghost! Natasha is not…



TitusJaxFigJibThe finished piece of the work in progress from the other day!! This is the first work I’m posting on here that took me longer than an hour or so, so I hope you enjoy it! πŸ™‚

ascii art cat

thought this site would appreaciate this :3 “““““““““““““/\/\““,^\“““““““““““““““““““““““““““““/\/\“““`\“/“`/“`\““““““““““““`_______“““““““““,^\““\“/““““\/“`/““`\“““““““““““_/“““`\_““““““““|“\,“`\/““`________/“““`\“““`NYA~““““`/““____“`\“““““““`|““\,“`____/““““““““`\“““““““““/“`_/““\“`\“““““““|“““\_/“““““““““““`\““““““““|“`|“““`\“`\“““`/\/\“|““““““““““““““““|““““““““|“`|“““`/“`|“““`\“/“|““““““““““`O“““““`\~~~““““““|“`|“““`\__/““““`\/“`|“““““““““““““““““|“““““““\“`|““““““““““““`|“““`O“““““““““““““|`~~~“““““`\“`\““““““““““““|“““““““===““|““““““|““““““““\“`\““““““““““~~~|“““““|““`\___/““““““`|““““““““`\“`\“““““““““““|“““““`\___/“““““““““|“““““““““\“`\“““““““““`~~~\““““““““““““““““/““““““““““|“`|“““““““““““\_“““““““““““““““`\“““““““““`|“`|““““““““““““\_“““““““““““““““\“““““““““|“`|“““““““““________\_““““/““““““________\_““““““““|“`|““““““““`/`|“`|““\““““/“““““/`|“`|““\“““““““/““/““““““““/“|“`|““`\““““““““`/“|“`|““`\““““““/““/““““““`~~~~~v~~~v~~~v~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~v~~~v~~~~v~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Morning Dance

Morning Dance

Most recent commission I drew :3 I really love how it turned out, honestly. The task was to have back light and have the character’s silhouette be visible thanks to that light. It’s my first attempt to drawing such a…
