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Group direction!

Home Forums Group Forums Game Design & Development Group direction!

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  • #2373

    In the event anyone stumbles their way to this corner of the website, please feel free to leave any thoughts as to what you’d like out of a this group and we can brainstorm!

    Draig Gnividyks

    What if we did a minecraft style game but as a 2D that is mobile device, touch screen friendly? Something like minecraft that would work on something like a gameboy advanced? Would that be a popular game. Ooooo, or what if we added in a mod that incorporates a quest log function into minecraft?

    Kallias Dornan

    I think it’d definitely be fun if we all worked together on a game at some point! There’s loads of Game Jams going on over on that we could probably join at some point whenever we become a bit more organized.


    I’m down to do a game jam at some point; got finals soon so I’ll be busy as hell for the next few weeks but I’ll open up shortly thereafter and we can coordinate :3

    In terms of larger, long term projects, I’m more of a solo dev these days, as I’ve had a few pretty negative experiences in trying to work with people that I don’t know well on long form projects. If y’all want to use the group to organize projects in that vein I’d love to help facilitate that but at will not participate, at least for now.

    Personally I’d love to have the group as a place to share progress on personal projects to keep me motivated on making gradual progress day-to-day 🙂

    Kallias Dornan

    Same on the being busy front haha. I’m currently in grad school, have a festival I’m going to be a vendor for just around the corner, and will be going to my sister’s for the rest of the week ;~;

    I was definitely thinking that we’d just work on the occasional short-term game jam projects and nothing long-term. I’m definitely down for us to share progress updates on what we’re working on to try to motivate one another, tho!

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