Icarus Dean joined the group
Linguist Corner
Icarus Dean replied to the topic Creating sites to help learn a language in the forum
Linguist Corner
awhile back i intended to start a journal/diary in my target language. i never kept it up for as long as i wanted, but i always circled back around to the idea. i have tried multiple times now to write entries in other languages and i concluded that i simply never knew what to write about. you however, have now enlightened me. i cannot believe i…Read More
Jan Svoboda started the topic Creating sites to help learn a language in the forum
Linguist Corner
I like to write a lot of essays and compile them into a website for fun. I have also tried writing a few essays in my target language. I recently created a public website that is mostly an art project, but is also used to help me practice my target languages. Does anyone else do this? If so, feel free to link them 🙂

Linguist Corner