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Static site generators

Hiya! I'm currently using jekyll on my site for a blog, but I'm looking to expand it a bit and work on how I'm making things work, and I'm wondering if anyone has had any success with other static site generation frameworks.What's working for you guys?

I've heard Hugo is good, but from what little I've done with it, I found it a bit difficult to keep my non-generated HTML (I like having granular control over certain pages) while still getting the benefits of drafting in a markdown for certain post types. Jekyll's liquid works well enough, but perhaps other templating languages offer a better alternative. Curious what everyone else is using!

I don't know much about other static site generators, but I love 11ty!! It's suuuuper easy when coming from a background of "I'm decent at HTML but I copy/paste the same layout to each page", and with the aid of a singular tutorial, it's become a pretty regular part of website creation for me :3 I don't use it for *everything* but I use it on bigger projects that I think will need repeatable layouts ^^ You can change up literally EVERYTHING within your main content, and if you set up the template in a way that allows it, you can add different stylesheets onto each page for extra control ^^
