Hey everyone! I hope y’all are doing well! I wanted to give you amazing people a sneak peak at one of my next games: Silent Dread. The backgrounds in the dialogue, combat, and exploration UIs are all stand-ins, and I’ll be replacing them later on down the line. I plan on using TyranoBuilder as my game engine of choice, too. My primary inspiration for this entry was a combination of the games Fallout and Fallout 2 and PC-98 visual novels (do NOT go down that rabbit hole if you’re under 18; this is a warning; the Wikipedia entry is as tame as it gets). There’s still more things I need to do just for the UI: make pop-up windows for tutorials, death/ending windows, and just completely reworking the inventory and battle UIs. 4

Hey everyone! I figured since I kickstarted the conversation around a category for posting about video games, I’d go ahead and make the first post! Allow me to introduce… my game making series: Kalli’s Simple Games! I was inspired a while back to try to make my own collection of relatively simple video games after playing some games from the G-Mode Archive off of the Japanese Nintendo eShop with the naming of the series being inspired by the Simple series for the PS2 over in Japan. Fun Fact: Teardrop Canyon is a remake of my first ever RPG Maker game, and first ever video game I actually finished making as well, that I submitted to a game jam way back when! I currently have it up on Itch.io for $10, or your regional equivalent. This game was originally going to be much greater in scope, with even more endings than what I ended up having, but that proved to be too much for RPG Maker VX Ace… /º(≥m≤)º I am playing around with the idea of having physical copies be available, but I’m not 100% sure about that, since making physical copies of games can be kinda expensive (depending on the scale). Anyways, here’s some screenshots and the box art*! *Which I scaled down from it’s original 5,500px wide size because it, well, is meant for printing lol 7

“”Da12thKind.com” is the new official home for all my video content (minus video essays and short films at the moment). I have my entire video catalogue scheduled for release, which should be wrapping up soon! There’s also no ads and you can have an easy viewing experience without logging into Google!” 3

Hey there everyone! Kallias here! My #1 hobby of all time is making YouTube videos, specifically Let’s Plays (although, that being said, I am slowly moving away from YouTube because good LORD it is getting bad over there). I always wish that there was something more I could do for my videos, whether that’s make them feel more like TV show episodes or just have more flair in general. One Let’s Play in particular I always look back on fondly, wishing I could do more stuff like that, is my Let’s Play on Mario Kart 7 for the Nintendo 3DS. Also a quick disclaimer: I have a bit of a sailor’s mouth! If you don’t like profanity, then you can just not watch the videos. Viewing the videos is NOT necessary to enjoying the whole post. This Let’s Play featured a TON of inserted clips from recording the race replay you can watch after finishing that race (you sadly can’t view them from the main menu, at least I couldn’t figure it out). The only other times I got an opportunity to do this kind of thing was for the duration of my series on Tom Clancy’s End War for the PS3… …and for the first few episodes of Halo: Reach. I say the first few episodes because an update came out that broke the Forge Theater mode and it wouldn’t get fixed until well after the series concluded. I’m currently cooking up some stuff on the metaphorical stove for some future series, but my life has gotten pretty hectic, so I need some more time to get enough stuff made before release, and that includes stuff like trailers, intro sequences, eye-catches, and faux midroll ads*. *This is still a tentative idea. I might do a test run for a couple of videos and gauge how people react to it. I might scrap it before release. Who knows! Also, it’s current Festival Season for me, wherein I table at a few different zine fests through Central and South East Texas, so that’s also been eating up a lot of my time on top of having a part time job and graduate program stuff! Anyways, thanks for taking the time to read! 6