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Draig Gnividyks

    • Profile picture of Fireye

      Here’s what I use, pretty much all Free & Open Source (FOSS).

      Engine: Godot
      Source control: Git (via CLI) & Github
      IDE: Neovim
      2D Art: Aseprite & GIMP
      3D Art: Blender
      Recording: Audacity
      DAW: Ardour

      And yes, aseprite is free; due to its open source nature, you can simply compile it from source rather than buying it outright. I’ve paid for it to…Read More

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      1 Comment
      • Those are really great softwares :). Personally, for recording, FL Studio (Fruity Loops) is my favorite. If going to do a paid version, FL is the way to go.

    • I personally started making my games in Godot!
      but obviously making games takes more then just a game engine.
      For my Pixel art i use Pixelstudio. Asprite is better in my opinion but there are a few certain things in Pixelstudio that just integrated into my workflow over the like almost 8 years i’ve been making games for.
      I can also really…Read More

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      • Godot is pretty amazing isn’t it? Have you tried the Dialogic plugin; it’s pretty sweet?

        • i havent had the need for a dialogue system yet, but one of my projects probably will soon, i will check it out when i get to it! 😀
