Draig Gnividyks posted in the group Game Design & Development
What game design and game building genres is everyone into? (2D, 3D, tabletop?) Would anyone be interested in collaborating on a simple game together?
Jan Svoboda started the topic Is there a blinkie for Star Subculture? in the forum
Blinkies Collectors in the group Blinkies Collectors
I’m using blinkies to add personal links on my website. I was wondering if Star Subculture had an official blinkie? I made a very quick one using blinkie cafe, but I would prefer to use an official one. Also, are there any buttons/stamps? I just learned about these yesterday and im now obsessed with collecting them xd thanks!
Jan Svoboda joined the group
Blinkies Collectors
Fits joined the group
Blinkies Collectors
Fits joined the group
Game Design & Development
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