HappyMonkeyRookie posted in the group OCS AND YAP!
What are some things you like to add for you OC character sheets for general and in-depth levels?
There are many different styles of Character sheets, from just showing the character and their name, to almost Jojo-levels of details.
But I think they depend a lot from what we are making with our OCs: A series of drawings, a written story, a…Read More -
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Finished with Huevember!!!
I finally finished a Huevember, or any draw-all-the-month-ber really…I’ve tried Inktober and other similar challenges in the past […]
Oops sprry for the spam lol. I was trying to edit the comment but oh well. Can’t even delete them xD
welp i just updated the comments system, u should be able to edit ur comment now, deleting function is still missing XD
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when ive made character sheets in the past, i nearly always do general stuff (name, age, gender), likes/dislikes, and any relevant story info – if its an oc im super passionate about or have had for years, i kinda get a bit lost in the infodumping n include all sorts of silly fun facts 😛
i think ur right about it depending on what the character…Read More