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    Comfort Characters in Discomfort

    Comfort Characters in Discomfort

    Initially, these were the main protagonists for my comic (Stephanie and Seymon), but later I decided to start the story in a point of the timeline before they met each other. I haven’t drawn them as often as I would like to, but I needed to draw something I was more familiar with. This is not part of my Album Gallery, but while drawing this, I was listening to Back 2 U from Yours Truly. I drew these two a lot when I was obsessed with pop-punk songs in high-school. I always gather some energy from those days whenever I remember the good, the bad and the hopeful of that stage in my life. Of course there’s a lot of (if not more) good overall now, but nostalgia hits me hard when it hits me. 4

    Yeah I’m a Ghost

    Yeah I’m a Ghost

    Also related to my last post, I did this one with the song “Ghost” from Yours Truly in mind. It ended up becoming my favorite song from the album, and I wanted to draw… well, a ghost! Natasha is not a ghost in canon but she was in my mind while listening to the whole album, so I guess it had to happen. 7

    Album Gallery #2 – Self Care

    Album Gallery #2 – Self Care

    I didn’t thought I’d make another one of this this soon, but I’m sick at the moment and still wanted to draw something, and I wanted to draw while I listened to “Self Care” from the band “Yours Truly”. It wasn’t until I made the post in my blog that I found the irony of drawing something inspired on an album titled “Self Care” while sick, but I’ll try to have more “self care” for the rest of the year. Even though I made this before February, I will keep the monthly updates I mentioned before; this one was just a special case. I’ll leave the post here if you want to know more of the drawing and my thoughts on the album: Also, give a listen to the album! I really liked it! 4

    Album Gallery #1 – So Much for the Afterglow

    Album Gallery #1 – So Much for the Afterglow

    Happy New Year everyone!!! I decided to have for my first drawing of 2025 this illustrations from a a new section of my blog. The idea is to stop being a songs-person, and become more of an albums-person. Every month, I will listen to an album I haven’t listened fully yet, and draw my characters while trying to keep the mood the album gives me. To start January, I drew this while listening to songs from “So Much for the Afterglow” by Everclear. I talk more about the process, what songs I think my characters would like or dislike in my blog here: Also, are you working on new projects this year or have any ideas you want to test out later for your current ones? 4

    Finished with Huevember!!!

    Finished with Huevember!!!

    I finally finished a Huevember, or any draw-all-the-month-ber really… I’ve tried Inktober and other similar challenges in the past but at some point left them for different reasons, but in this one I felt more “in the zone”. My only issue was that I had less time to work on my comic, but I still managed to work on a few chapters I wasn’t as excited to draw.   Counting how many drawings and characters included I did for each series, the numbers would be: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures: 1 drawing (1 character in two different forms) Jujutsu Kaisen: 1 drawing (4 characters) Mob Psycho 100: 3 drawings (3 characters, and a different form one of them has) Yu-Gi-Oh: 4 drawings (4 characters, and a different form one of them has) Dragon Ball: 4 Drawings (5 characters) Chainsaw Man: 7 Drawings (6 character in the first 6, and a lot in the 7th) Bleach: 11 Drawings (12 characters, and a different form for one of them has) And that makes for the 31 days of November!!! . . . . . …what? I wanted to make an extra drawing with “all colors” and this year I watched Mob Pscyho 100’s anime. I haven’t read the manga yet, but I saw Volume’s 16 Cover and despite its simplicity, I think it is currently my favorite cover for anything. So I wanted to draw my version of it in grey first, and a happier version with all the colors. Talking about grey, there’s also a song in the anime called that (or “Gray”, depending how you romanize it) is my favorite song from the series, and is used in two of my favorite moments in Season 2. I’d highly recommend it if you haven’t watched it, specially for seasons 2 and 3. And so, Huevember is over!!! 9

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