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      Digital art is stupid hard dude
      Digital art is stupid hard dude

      Hey! Been a hot minute since I was last on here :]TL;DR this was my first piece of digital art in years, it looks ok-ish ig?So, some background info on this piece:   I have always been a traditional artist,...

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      • Don’t be discouraged by what comes out when you just try out a new art.. medium? This is my first ever digital drawing here. Very blurry and weird xD It takes time to get used to drawing digitally and it’s okay. For a long time I hadn’t used any masks/effects/layer modes etc. because I didn’t know about them. But then at some point I decided to learn more about my art program and searched up videos explaining the basic tools. And that teached me quite a lot and gave me a nice start in mastering the program. I bet there’s still stuff Idk about xD So don;t be afraid to take your time with this and you’ll see it becoming easier over time.
        Don’t be afraid of experimenting. If you don’t know what you’re doing, try the same pipeline as you have with trad drawing first. Then see what other artists do, and if you feel like they do something interesting, you can try their ways too and see if it works for you. (I have some more to say, but it’s getting long lol)

      • When I first started out, I was bad at sketching digitally, so I also sketched traditionally, took pics, and then did the lineart over the taken picture like you did here. And if it works for you, then it works for you^^ When you’ll get used to drawing with your finger (or if you ever get a tablet and get used to using it), your lines will become more confident and the whole process will be easier. Just try out different pipelines and see what works best.
        But before, I do recommend to learn about what your program has to offer and how to use its tools. Because in many tutorials people assume you already know what masks/layer modes/etc are, so they won’t be as useful for you.
        My personal recommendation is Marc Brunet on YouTube. He has a lot of really helpful tips/tutorials about digital art and he also shares different pipelines you could try.
        So I hope that helps! :3

        • thank you so much for ur kind words!! i always get really nervous posting any art online so yeah :] i looked around Marc’s channel n saved a few of the videos to watch later, they seem pretty cool n im excited to try em out soon. I have a very basic understanding of different types of layers and tools, but overall i have no clue what any of it really does – which is the issue I kept having watching tutorials. “make a new layer, set it to colour dodge” wooosh. right over my head. As with any other medium i think its just gonna be a case of practice makes perfect. i am pretty proud of what i managed to accomplish n ive not been totally discouraged from digital just yet! thanks again :3

      • Honestly I completely understand what you mean, I’ve tried digital art so many times but i just cant seem to get it. This is genuinely really awesome though, especially if you didn’t use a stylist! Your really talented and i think you should try some more digital art cause i think you will get lots better and this is an amazing start i really think this is incredible! Definitely change the background though haha! ;P

        • thanks so much!! im pretty proud of what i managed to accomplish, even if it isnt perfect haha- but yeah im definitely gonna go back and change the background colour lmao

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