Hi Hii!
My name is Jala and I own a small art business with my husband Jake called Floor35. I just wanted to get on here and say hello to everyone, and I am happy to be here!!
I hope to grow and meet other artists here too. I think this platform is super dope, especially for showcasing artists! This art I uploaded is our official book cover art for our manga that’s in progress called Monster Serum, I don’t think my website is up yet so I’ll attach a link to read the first 4 pages for free. We are still working on it as we speak, please give us any feedback about the pages, we are hoping to get our Kickstarter going soon.
Thanks XOXO
awesome!! thanks for joining the community. your comic looks really cool so far, and your website is now up!
I appreciate the welcome and thanks so much!
thats sick!