


Captain Henson:
“While Sonic gijinka designs are familiar, the thrill of bringing my unique ideas to life was palpable. When I shared my concept with Tauraffelle, who was equally intrigued, we eagerly dove into this creative collaboration, especially with the highly anticipated Sonic Movie 3 right around the corner. We used the Sonic Channel Profiles for the pose, layout, and descriptions to maintain a connection to the original series, ensuring our profiles were consistent yet distinct.

Taureffelle took the lead, once again, on the design process. My only contribution was including the Shadow ‘05 logo on her jacket to visually represent the game. This logo, which is a key element in the game, serves as a visual cue to the character’s origins and adds a layer of authenticity to the design. Taureffelle decided to give gijinka Shadow a leather jacket because of the game’s incarnation of riding a bike, and it simply has a badass look. The fur around the collar represents the chest from the official design. Initially, she wanted leather pants but didn’t like how they looked, so she stuck with regular black jeans. The tanned skin came from the tanned skin of the official design, most apparent in Yuji Uekawa’s art.

he character description was a challenging aspect of our project. I was eager to delve into more detail about Shadow’s development throughout the series, but the problem was the length, which was too long for the profile. Shadow is a complex character that has developed throughout many games. I had to make some tough decisions, including cutting out a paragraph that initially went after the second.

“For a time, her past was a relentless force, dictating her every move and shaping her future. From the unfulfilled wishes to the burning desire to unravel the enigma of her creation, she was a prisoner of her own history. But she didn’t succumb to it. Now, she’s the master of her own fate, unwavering in pursuing her goals.”

As much as I enjoyed referencing Shadow ‘05 in greater detail, I had to shorten the character description, so I took the final sentence and placed it at the end of the first paragraph. The reference is still there, but now much quicker to the point. At least the name-dropping of “Chaos Control” and “Chaos Blast” keeps the overt ‘05 reference I wanted. The official Profile only name drops Chaos Control, so adding another chaos ability expanded Shadow’s capabilities without taking too much space.”

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Digital artist/Character designer
Russia 🇷🇺

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