some class doodles

some class doodles

Hello! :]

I’ve been floating around here for a while now n i figured it was time i started contributing soooo heres a small art dump of sorts?? i started college this year so ive not had a lot of time/energy to do like actual artworks for a while, however my lecturers have a habit of rambling n repeating the same info over n over, which gives me LOADS of time to draw all over my notes >:) (any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated <333)

some class doodles

as you can clearly see, my brain is composed mainly of fandoms and cats.

i also create deeply moving and emotional artisitic renditions of my headspace during class – where is my turner award??????

anyway, i will return when i make something actually worthy of posting on the interweb :]

(cookie reward available for anyone who correctly guesses what my course is about)

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Those are cool!
I remember doing several doodles during my uni years not so long ago, so seeing these brings back some memories (and the sensation of falling asleep after just 30 minutes into the class)
