Style upgrade?

Style upgrade?

Style upgrade?

Hopefully, this extent of censoring is enough to upload the pic on the site xD

So, I was going through some works of one of my fav artists Madness Malina and I got really inspired by her style, so I wanted to implement some of the techniques she uses because it just looks so good!

First, I LOVE the use of hatching in her pieces! It really adds to the expressiveness. It’s a good way to save some time, making the color shading a lot simpler, but the final pieces still look finished. I used hatching a lot several years ago when I used to draw traditionally. However, whenever I tried doing that digitally, it was always such a mess, so I kinda stepped out of it. It was nice going back to it tho! For some reason, this time it wasn’t such a hassle.



Something else I love about her style is how she adds these colored lines framing the characters, so to speak. It really helps convey the shape when things are shaded, for example. And overall just looks great in my opinion.






I also love how sometimes Madness Malina adds these shiny highlights in her works. I felt like adding those to my golden angel was just the right thing to do, so I did. I was always bad at drawing these things, but I think I figured it out this time. 

I really love how the end result looks, so I’m definitely gonna keep these style changes moving forward

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Digital artist/Character designer
Russia 🇷🇺

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Nice drawing! I love the color contrast of yellow and blue-ish grey, and the lights and details add a lot to it.
