Tails gal

Tails gal

Tails gal

Next up is Tails!

Captain Henson:
“While Sonic gijinka designs are familiar, the thrill of bringing my unique ideas to life was palpable. When I shared my concept with Tauraffelle, who was equally intrigued, we eagerly dove into this creative collaboration, especially with Sonic Movie 3 right around the corner. We used the Sonic Channel Profiles for the pose, layout, and descriptions to maintain a connection to the original series, ensuring our profiles were consistent yet distinct.

As for the design, she was given pigtails because of the fit. Initially, Taureffelle gave her long pigtails to represent the two tails, but the obvious problem is that this design element would fit Cream the Rabbit better. I wanted to still give the gijinka designs abilities that lined up with their game counterparts, so I had to think of a way of incorporating flying into this Tails’ design. If that wasn’t enough, Tail’s backstory involved being bullied for his two tails, so I also had to consider that. This led to a meticulous thought process. Eventually, I thought of the perfect solution. Our gijinka Tails would be born with weaker legs, which led to bullying and resulted in her creating artificial Tails to help her fly.

It was also my idea to incorporate Tails’ ‘Sonic Adventure’ upgrades, the Jet Anklet and Rhythm Badge, to help add some extra flavor to the design. Plus, the Jet Anklets would help gijinka Tails with speed, so adding it helped flesh out the character.

Taureffelle gave Tails goggles and overalls because they fight the mechanic vibe, but she was unaware of Tails’ Boom design.

As mentioned above, while writing the character description, I had to consider the game character and his story and how to translate that to a human girl. The process was challenging, but I’m quite happy with the result.”

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Digital artist/Character designer
Russia 🇷🇺

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